dramatic musical theatre monologues

a weak and divided person who stood in adoring awe of your singleness, of your strength. When I saw that my heart could not protect itself, I myself gave away that which I did not dare to take; and I put, in place of my self, Chimne in its fetters, and I kindled their passions [lit. Bid them all fly! Polo shirts. And when the devil comes to strip that love from you, there is no funeral or song or speeches that dull our senses and deaden our hearts. I trusted her. Has a rat ever done anything to you to create this animosity you feel toward them? He gave me this, you know. Ed. This penitential robe will keep. are you all afraid?Alas, I blame you not; for you are mortal,And mortal eyes cannot endure the devil.Avaunt, thou dreadful minister of hell!Thou hadst but power over his mortal body,His soul thou canst not have; therefore be gone.Foul devil, for Gods sake, hence, and trouble us not;For thou hast made the happy earth thy hell,Filld it with cursing cries and deep exclaims.If thou delight to view thy heinous deeds,Behold this pattern of thy butcheries.O, gentlemen, see, see! We never owned anything. Ed. It would appear he has done everything in his power to earn it. That it should come to this!But two months dead: nay, not so much, not two:So excellent a king; that was, to this,Hyperion to a satyr; so loving to my motherThat he might not beteem the winds of heavenVisit her face too roughly. Mary, I said. I gotta live with that. Where money is more important than humanity? They give me balls to squeeze, and fine motor tasks to practice. Whataburger with double meat, double cheese, bacon, mayo, lettuce, tomato, whatasize fries, and whatasized coke. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. I told everyone my family died in a fire, and I came to accept it as true. You should have left me. I want to be that guy. Triple-turned wh*re! I saw a dress lying in the grass and I thought I saw someone naked running through the trees. Female Theatre Monologues for Teens Dry Land (Ruby Rae Speigel) Ester: I've been sleeping in my swimsuit. Theres no point in fighting. . I cannot blink what I saw, Abigail, for my enemies will not blink it. Youd rather be with someone who, I dunno, who wore leather jackets. In my fantasy world, had my mother lived, I would be extremely well-dressed. I TRIED TO STOP IT (West Side Story) I REMEMBER EVERYTHING (Oaklahoma) WHY NOT ME TOO? An inch it is small and it is fragile, and it is the only thing in the world worth having. However interesting as the thought may be, it makes not one bit of difference to how you feel. (Pause) In my village at home it is the exceptional man who can even read a newspaper or who ever sees a book at all. I stood at a distance, halfway down the block. Whereto serves mercyBut to confront the visage of offence?And whats in prayer but this twofold force,To be forestalled ere we come to fall,Or pardond being down? But am I the criminal mastermind who pulled off a series of violent murders? It wasnt even his to prot from, yet he still gave everything to that godd*mn store. You do whatever you want. Fly! Im not a judge or jury. Outta order. I picked up a piece of glass, and I pointed it at my mom and I threatened to kill her. I went and stood in a card shop for a bit to sort my head out. God!How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable,Seem to me all the uses of this world!Fie ont! Farewell! tis an unweeded garden,That grows to seed; things rank and gross in naturePossess it merely. . He just went to bed unusually early, A monologue from the play by Mando Alvarado. 10 Famous Monologue Plays You Should Know | Playbill I had to test it, you know? I mean, theres nothing else to say, you know? And it sunk them in me. So, some of us try to regain unconsciousness. Cos two wrongs dont make a right. There has been cannibalism. listening for his irregular heartbeat and when our gazes met one cold stare meeting another I could see that he was aware that I knew. If the pilot had banked left instead of right, if the south had won the war in Vietnam, if the Russians hadnt beat us to the moon. Tis foolishness, I ween,To overstep in aught the golden mean. And in the middle of this burning I am supposed to envision my life, Mary. (Reading from a letter): My father is deceasd! . That is unless you have something to tell me that makes the conducting of a search unnecessary. PDF Audition Monologues - Village Theatre: The Magic Returns Then I saw him sitting on the bench along third base. He was only a few feet away now, my father. Which gave my mother relief, because it meant that in the bad times, there would be good times. Alas, sir,In what have I offended you? Text Cullum 12 25 WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! a beast, that wants discourse of reason,Would have mournd longermarried with my uncle,My fathers brother, but no more like my fatherThan I to Hercules: within a month:Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tearsHad left the flushing in her galled eyes,She married. Because mostly I feel rage. I didnt think she was actually gonna go. Why do you do it? Be gone!Exit SCARUSO sun, thy uprise shall I see no more.Fortune and Antony part here; even hereDo we shake hands. Dont it make them better citizens? 15 Powerful Female Dramatic Monologues - Monologue Blogger intimacy of it embarrasses me. And I decided on that day that I was Undine Barnes, who bore no relationship to those people. There was no noise, no tremble. For I cannot persuade you, Violante, that I hate you from simply listening to you, when I hardly know you. I would have gladly given my life for you, but it wouldnt have helped. Shall I listen to thee, love, whose delicious power causes my desires to rebel against this proud tyrant? In this musical, murderesses Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart are sent to death row. I have that now. . They gave us drugs, slitting our foreheads with razors so cocaine would go directly into the bloodstream. But I chose to find out.. I was afraid that I wouldnt survive the next few minutes while they turned off the machines. . I love you. Because Im a good policeman. And Im lookin down at a big, black ocean, so I flip on my map light, and then suddenly: zap. And I have seen boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. There are no consequences there. It made me feel cold, like if love wasnt for me!. . It wasnt much but it was twenty-five cents more than he had. It must be witnessed to be understood. I try to find ways to make myself feel something more and more and more it doesnt make any difference. I like the way I feel. yes, a human being can teach another one kindness very simply! But she doesnt listen. Is that supposed to be some sort of compensation? lets just say their enthusiasm overwhelmed me. with respect][does] my arm, which has so often saved this empire, and so often strengthened anew the throne of its king. Which means that the promise of civil rights has never been fulfilled. I. Step into the streets without looking and the carriage merely stops or swerves; the only consequence an angry driver. However, feel free to browse tips and download any public domain (free) monologues on our site. That first morning she was there, I was eating breakfast with a few of my siblings when my new stepmom walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was a long shear of bright light, then a series of low concussions. What do you call this house?Is this your palace? Euphoria 4. Here she is talking to a detective about the crime. And so, naturally, when I hear that a child has been killed in a fashionin a fashion such as this Little Jesus thingyou know what? Well, in my book he died a much richer man than youll ever be. Now my ministrys at stake; my ministry and perhaps your cousins life.Whatever abomination you have done, give me all of it now, for I dare not be taken unaware when I go before them down there. And with an ax, too! I dont understand the concept actually. Um, these, uh A preoccupation with my own mortality. It was only faith divided us. But I can tell you this: he wont sell anybody out to buy his future!! O inimical old age! Here, here, or here? There isnt enough pity to go round. I had to keep breathing. Retrogression even. 10 Short Dramatic Monologues for Your 90-Second Musical Theatre FACING THE SUN Its good. She has been led on by boys, and had her heart broken more than once. (Pause. The love of your life? I loved you as long ago as the time I asked you to read the stone angels with your fingers. And perhaps . Go to a hotel, go live with her, but dont come back! But I couldnt. Why did you do that?Doesnt matter now. A monologue from the play by Tracey Scott Wilson. What are you aware of? They wondered aloud who belonged to those people. Everything shorts out right there in my cockpit. You think youre merely sendin this splendid foot-soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say you are executin his SOUL!! Its like a long carpet thats just laid out right beneath me. It would be at a caf where we would have salad and like it. I didnt want your son, Michael! Maybe it wont. Then again, I blame pretty much everything on that, my weight, my addiction to television, my inability to spell. Well my name is Tyler-May. . An assortment of public domain monologues taken from classic plays organized by gender and type. Do you even know? Only sky above us now. endobj With all my heart, I love you. Shirley Valentine review, Duke of York's Theatre: Sheridan Smith stars I have fled myself; and have instructed cowardsTo run and show their shoulders. I just dont want to have to call her. There can be no mistakes. What sensation do you get when I do that?Nothing! My eyes were only on you, as you slowly stopped crying and wiggling and breathing, the last drops of blood dripping out your chubby little neck like water from a leaky tap. Why are you silent? How I long to hug you, kiss you. the land bids me tread no more upont;It is ashamed to bear me! Except that I loved her. 39 Monologues for Women: Comedic, Dramatic & More - Backstage Child Soldier 2. . . The cup was passed around for all of us to drink. Sometimes am I king;Then treasons make me wish myself a beggar,And so I am: then crushing penuryPersuades me I was better when a king;Then am I kingd again, and by and byThink that I am unkingd by Bolingbroke,And straight am nothing: but whateer I be,Nor I, nor any man that but man is,With nothing shall be pleased, till he be easdWith being nothing. Have I then lived so long only for this disgrace? I knew when it was happening, and I knew when it was finished. LUKA. Monologues for Teens "Tommy Boy" Plot - A Sophomore in high school, Tommy, is a fun-loving lad, who absolutely loves to hang out with his pals. Consequently, a German soldier conducts a search of a house suspected of hiding Jews. A monologue from the play by Lope De Vega. Then its name becomes clear. Monologue Blogger contains powerful, intense and edgy pieces for an actress and we would like to share with you 15 Powerful Female Dramatic Monologues. For although in my arrogance I swore to fall out of love, it is not as easy as falling in love. I think its October but I cant be sure. so many days] effaced in a day! Each day is more gray than the one before. My mom kissing me on the forehead, and . She gets the winter passion and I get the dotage? I hurt myself, It doesnt hurt. . Thus let us hope for no advantage, either from his transgression or from my grief, since, to punish me. Dramatic Monologues for Women Ive coerced witnesses, got clients to lie on the stand, bullied students to tears, manipulated jurors like you. I have no visuals of prom dresses or favorite sweater or shoes I couldnt live without. Shell sit there watching Jeopardy and bad-mouth my dad. After having conquered two kings, couldst thou fail in obtaining a crown? If I were the man I was five years ago Id take a FLAME-THROWER to this place! Want to get a role in a drama? fires? Read the play here English & Spanish Edition|Illustrated English Edition. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. It was time to go out fighting again. My father sent me ten dollars every week, his lotto money. Some one has to be kind, girl some one has to pity people! Choose a monologue that can showcase your acting and storytelling skills best. self-control. I can hardly look at you standing by your bags. You know how I stayed alive this long? My father sold shoes. Your daughter will die here in this cell and youll be here watching as she does, youll be here the rest of your days. Is not that glimmer there afar That dying exhalation that pale star A tiny taper, which, with trembling blazeFlickering twixt struggling flames and dying rays,With ineffectual sparkMakes the dark dwelling place appear more dark?Yes, for its distant light,Reflected dimly, brings before my sightA dungeons awful gloom,Say rather of a living corse, a living tomb;And to increase my terror and surprise,Drest in the skins of beasts a man there lies:A piteous sight,Chained, and his sole companion this poor light.Since then we cannot fly,Let us attentive to his words draw nigh,Whatever they may be. So, yknow what? firm, she lost everything when her husband absconded with all her money. Within a year there were fires on the ridges and deranged chanting. There, they find stardom and hope it will save them from the gallows. And the drama, you will see, acquires a tremendous value from this point. The truth is, I have no fashion sense never did. You were only a few months old. . One 32-bar cut must be from the published musical theatre canon. SayOur rites are instant, which performed, youll seeHow vain, and worthy laughter, your fears be. I survived getting taunted by the N-word when I was in grade school. Yet, I assume you dont share the same animosity with squirrels that you do with rats, do you? And if you cant work up a winter passion for me, the least I require is respect and allegiance! Help, angels! The idea that we can only be complete with another person is evil! Its a reason to lose weight, to fit in the red dress. And Im already dead. No matter where of comfort no man speak.Lets talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs,Make dust our paper, and with rainy eyesWrite sorrow on the bosom of the earth.Lets choose executors and talk of wills.And yet not so for what can we bequeathSave our deposed bodies to the ground?Our lands, our lives, and all, are Bolingbrokes,And nothing can we call our own but death;And that small model of the barren earthWhich serves as paste and cover to our bones.For Gods sake let us sit upon the groundAnd tell sad stories of the death of kings:How some have been deposd, some slain in war,Some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed,Some poisoned by their wives, some sleeping killd,All murdered for within the hollow crownThat rounds the mortal temples of a kingKeeps Death his court, and there the antic sits,Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp,Allowing him a breath, a little scene,To monarchize, be feard, and kill with looks;Infusing him with self and vain conceit,As if this flesh which walls about our lifeWere brass impregnable; and, humourd thus,Comes at the last, and with a little pinBores through his castle wall, and farewell king!Cover your heads, and mock not flesh and bloodWith solemn reverence; throw away respect,Tradition, form, and ceremonious duty;For you have but mistook me all this while.I live with bread like you, feel want,Taste grief, need friends subjected thus,How can you say to me, I am a king? I dont know if Charlies silence here today is right or wrong. I wish I could share that I wish, that everyone, if only for one moment, could feel that awe, and humility, and hope. The candy man gonna get him a bigger wagon and another five pound of sugar. Ist not you?Ist not your high preferment? A monologue from the play by Christopher Marlowe. And I cant even tell now what my altitude is. and hear your playmates calling you, Johnny, Johnny! How it went through me, just to hear your name called! Laughing and chattering such pretty sounds. (Undine realizes the addicts are eavesdropping and finds herself including them in her confessional.). Yes honest peasants, both of them! I suddenly found I couldnt write any more. A monologue from the tv series created by Sam Levinson. Forgive me my foul murther?That cannot be; since I am still possessOf those effects for which I did the murther-My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen.May one be pardond and retain th offence?In the corrupted currents of this worldOffences gilded hand may shove by justice,And oft tis seen the wicked prize itselfBuys out the law; but tis not so above.There is no shuffling; there the action liesIn his true nature, and we ourselves compelld,Even to the teeth and forehead of our faults,To give in evidence. How to destroy Ellaria Sand, the woman who murdered my only daughter. Grandfather, they say, for Gods sake give us some bread! I stand for something. To decide against my plaintiff is to choose lining the pockets of prison owners over providing basic defense for the people who live in them. . What am I gonna do without you? Why I used to be a watchman on the estate of an engineer near Tomsk all right the house was right in the middle of a forest lonely place winter came and I remained all by myself. You do a thing long enough, your whole life, I guess . And shes right that hes observant. I never understood why his toys couldnt just live in hisAnyway, all Im saying is he is accustomed to getting what he wants. I admit it, sometimes I use excessive force. A monologue from the tv series written by David Benioff & D.B. (Rue lets out a big exhale. The spectacle of fearsome acts. Our next batter bunted and I made third. She was wearing a long burgundy velour three-quarter sleeve zip bathrobe with a thick vertical white stripe down the center, surrounding the zipper. One classical monologue from a play written before 1950 with an emphasis on heightened language. She has learned that her friend, Martina, a gang member, is HIV+. And if its an old wine, how many of them must be dead by now. I would have said No, but at least they could have asked!! Monologues from Plays - Daily Actor Ive never owned a house. ), I dont know if it was a girl dressed like a guy or a guy dressed like a girl dressed like a guy. But what does it mean the right man? I used to think it was, but now, for some reason I cant. They couldnt keep the game going any longer. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. . Who I am is a 53-year-old woman from Memphis, Tennessee, named Anna Mae Harkness. Id watch him from my window get swallowed up in the sea of Brooklyn fathers all beginning their day. Heydrich apparently hates the moniker the good people of Prague have bestowed on him. . Am I a bad person? A monologue from the play by August Wilson. (Pause) Jake wanted to be Snow White for Halloween. I mean, just what am I striving to create anyway? They wanted me to hurt because healing me gave them a reason to live, a reason to continue to believe in themselves. Busted. Australian Monologues for Men and Women - StageMilk 30 AUDITION MONOLOGUE IDEAS! WHAT MONOLOGUES TO DO FOR DRAMA - YouTube I have to do this again. one of those weak and divided people who slip like shadows among you solid strong ones. It seems strange that my life should end in such a terrible place, but for three years I had roses and apologised to no-one. He cant see past his nose. For the cancer to come back. They dont need me. Now, by my life,Old fools are babes again; and must be usedWith cheques as flatteries,when they are seen abused.Remember what I tell you. Herehere go a quarter. Until theyre so old and broken-down that You know how long it takes a workin man to save five thousand dollars? Here, he has come home for a while, and she tells him what she thinks of his being an absentee father. Suddenly, you find your whole days blending together to create one endless and suffocating loop. A time, methinks, too shortTo make a world-without-end bargain in.No, no, my lord, your grace is perjured much,Full of dear guiltiness; and therefore this:If for my love, as there is no such cause,You will do aught, this shall you do for me:Your oath I will not trust; but go with speedTo some forlorn and naked hermitage,Remote from all the pleasures of the world;There stay until the twelve celestial signsHave brought about the annual reckoning.If this austere insociable lifeChange not your offer made in heat of blood;If frosts and fasts, hard lodging and thin weedsNip not the gaudy blossoms of your love,But that it bear this trial and last love;Then, at the expiration of the year,Come challenge me, challenge me by these deserts,And, by this virgin palm now kissing thineI will be thine; and till that instant shutMy woeful self up in a mourning house,Raining the tears of lamentationFor the remembrance of my fathers death.If this thou do deny, let our hands part,Neither entitled in the others heart. I wanna try to talk some sense to him tell him the way things are. Really Really 7. It was a girl. Ill tell them about you, and your father, how good he was to us. Really? It stirred sh*t up, you know? MONOLOGUES Two contrasting monologues - both contemporary - presented in English We define "contemporary" as anything written from around 1900 to now. I mean hes an only child, hes got Alex around all the time, a lotta kids dont have that, not to mention, you know, his own playroom. For thirty-nine years. Affiliate links provides compensation to Daily Actor which helps us remain online, giving you the resources and information actors like you are looking for. If I concentrated long enough I could make the pain appear by an effort of will. In case of emergency. You know what? What have I got, Harry? Its like theres a fire burning in the center of my head, Mary, and the pipe is the water that will put it out. So uh, you, uh, never know what what events are to transpire to get you home. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. My mother had had the same exact bathrobe in blue. Fear. Song from Far Away review - Will Young acts with melodic grace in And now, here I am. I survived losing my first love, Eve, because I was scared to be gay. Hold it till my next birthday. And upon that sand a new god will walk. London: J.M. you know, Youre the worst mom in the entire world and I wish you were dead . Let me wear it a little longer, Mother! By day, the dead impaled on spikes along the road. We allow our younger performers who are still developing their reading skills to 'repeat after me'. These n*ggers take and throw their money away in the saloon and get mad when its gone. What if this cursed handWere thicker than itself with brothers blood,Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavensTo wash it white as snow? Undergraduate Admission - Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama But neither you nor anybody else can say anything against his character, because his whole life was Why, in the twenty-five years since he and Uncle Billy started this thing, he never once thought of himself. telling me my dads gonna be all right. PIeasures, farewell, and all ye thriftless minutesWherein false joys have spun a weary life.To these my fortunes now I take my leave.Thou, precious Time, that swiftly ridst in postOver the world, to finish up the raceOf my last fate, here stay thy restless course,And hear to ages that are yet unbornA wretched, woeful womans tragedy.My conscience now stands up against my lustWith depositions charactered in guilt,And tells me I am lost: now I confessBeauty that clothes the outside of the faceIs cursd if it be not clothed with grace.Here like a turtle (mewed up in a cage)Unmated, I converse with air and walls,And descant on my vile unhappiness.O Giovanni, that hast had the spoilOf thine own virtues and my modest fame,Would thou hadst been less subject to those starsThat luckless reigned at my nativity:O would the scourge due to my black offenceMight pass from thee, that I alone might feelThe torment of an uncontrolled flame.That man, that blessed friar,Who joined in ceremonial knot my handTo him whose wife I now am, told me oftI trod the path to death, and showed me how.But they who sleep in lethargies of lustHug their confusion, making Heaven unjust,And so did I.Forgive me, my good genius, and this onceBe helpful to my ends.

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dramatic musical theatre monologues